Ecological Crisis a “niche issue”?

Clueless characterization of the ecological crisis: “Niche”. Denial straight-up. Not an “issue” , as in “one among many” to accept or reject. Either you accept science and act accordingly (as we naturally do with doctors, taking their diagnoses seriously, even when getting “second opinions” – we still do not forsake the field of medical expertise). “{Trump officials were} complaining the Continue Reading

Lasting impact

On David Koch’s death: “Rand Paul of Kentucky saying “his many contributions will have lasting impact on our country.”” “Lasting impact” is one way to describe the assistance the Kochs have given to the disinformation campaign against Climate Science

Partisan for Earth Ethics

Taking the ecological crisis seriously and pressing for action IS indeed “partisan”. But it’s not “Partisan Democrat” or “Partisan Republican” as we automatically assume “partisan” to mean. But it is “Partisan to life”. It is being advocates for the kind of politics that seeks first and foremost to preserve life, and to do that so that it honors and enables Continue Reading

Democrat leadership doesn’t think Climate Crisis belongs “on stage”

“If you are a major 2020 candidate and you say you have to skip either the CNN or MSNBC climate forums because you’re “too busy,” I would argue that you most likely don’t grasp the scale, scope, or importance of the climate threat” — @EmilyAtkin on Twitter Far too many churches—especially those partial to the Religious Right, simply ignore it Continue Reading

The Lion King movie and the Ecological Crisis

HT @Dennis Benson……true this Specifically, the author of the article writes: “To the movie’s credit, the destruction of the Pride Lands is not a natural process, but is rooted in a pattern of overconsumption and the unequal distribution of resources. This pattern is set in motion by Scar, the evil, authoritarian lion king, who rules according to a vow made Continue Reading

The EcoCrisis has the Web apps and collaborative power of the Internet ready to help us, if we will grab that by the horns

Add this to my blog post Monday (and I did add this at the end of it) : (Additional thought added, Wednesday, August 14, 11:18 am CDT) It is also a rather convenient (and happy) coincidence that we have 20 years of Internet and Web development and tools available to help us with the urgent Communications and collaboration tasks we Continue Reading

The 90’s “challenge” of the Internet and the “New” challenge of the Ecological Crisis

Back in 1990-91, I was in the M.A. in Religious Communications program at United Theological Seminary. It was a strategic time for Communications in that it was the dawn of the age of the Personal Computer and The Internet. I finished up that program with an eye toward the role of the Internet in extending the reach of the Church, Continue Reading