Business as Usual is TERRIBLE business!

The cries of “alarmists” from deniers are going to be reaching new heights, as the realities close in around us, and people who are paying attention are sounding the alarms. What is the church to be saying in times like these? We have a colossal task for pastoral care to aid us in our ability to “cope” with the “Tough Continue Reading

From Online Communication to Ecological Crisis

When I completed my last Seminary stint, in 1991 at United Thelogical Seminary’s MA in Religious Communications degree program, the Internet was in its infancy, but I came away convinced that the online world would revolutionize communications in the church. It did change the face of communications in the church, after the business and education and governmental institutions set the Continue Reading

Roy Scranton, author of “Learning to Die in the Anthropocene”, with a snarky review of “Falter” and “Uninhabitable Earth”

I ran across this dual book review of the latest books by Bill McKibben and David Wallace-Wells, and was hit with the almost immediate level of snark and “cherry-picked” analysis (“cherry picked” in that Scranton seems to have skipped most of each book, thus failing to get how his critiques fall flat). “Indeed, there are moments when changing the stories Continue Reading

The Principalities and Powers are finding expression IN the Trump administration

This article appeared today, on a day when the forces represented by Franklin Graham and the likes of Jerry Falwell, Jr., are calling on the people of God to “pray for the President” that he might be strengthened against his “enemies” (many of those being people rising up in defense of Creation). It’s highly ironic that Graham quotes this bit Continue Reading