The Lion King movie and the Ecological Crisis

HT @Dennis Benson……true this

Specifically, the author of the article writes:

“To the movie’s credit, the destruction of the Pride Lands is not a natural process, but is rooted in a pattern of overconsumption and the unequal distribution of resources. This pattern is set in motion by Scar, the evil, authoritarian lion king, who rules according to a vow made to the hyenas: “Everything the light touches is yours for the kill.” It’s a drastically different vision from that of the previous lion king, Mufasa, who believed that “everything the light touches is yours to protect”

Another great lesson drawn:
“The Lion King is an opportunity to ask ourselves how we can all better protect everything the light touches. It’s an opportunity to acknowledge the ways that reckless capitalism and climate change are fundamentally entwined. It’s an opportunity to think more closely about our land use and consumption patterns – major drivers of climate change”

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