The Facebook Graph API Explorer found something for me

I discovered that I could get data from my Facebook timeline with the elements I want (like the links and pictures included, which the “Download ALL my Facebook” says it is doing but really doesn’t). I used the Graph API Explorer under ny account. It generates a token for me. When I do a query like so: /myID/posts?fields=story,link,message,picture,description,permalink_url,created_time&limit=9900 I get Continue Reading

Eco-Occupy Theology

I was thinking yesterday about my journey over the past 7 years. IN 2011, I started using to point to my blog, which, that point, was using the one domain, that I had been using since starting the blog in 2002. Now, as most of you know, it is primarily Theoblogical and occupytheology still get you there, Continue Reading

EcoCrisis Denial: An article of “faith” for the right wing tribe

“Right-to-life” just might get more people helping to fight abortion and the conditions which make it increase, if they showed ANY concern about those conditions. And also, if they showed ANY interest in ALL of the other LIFE that is being extinguished and threatened every day by , things like, ya know, Climate Change (which is like an anathema to Continue Reading

We need , at worst, same sense of urgency for Ecological Crisis as other “hot issues”

On the previous post topic: The aforementioned trolls on the UMNS Facebook feed are always ready , with guns cocked, to leap in and denounce concerns about Climate in the Church. It seems that pushback from our conservative/fundamentalist fringe is more potent on the Climate issue than it is on many of the other “issues” like LGBT, Immigration, Trump, and Continue Reading

Media (Secular AND Church) Gives Ecological Issues Backpage, Below the fold treatment

I had actually gone back to look at recent posts on the UMNS feed to check it for any possible Ecological Crisis related articles (which is, most often, on an average frequency of about one every 3 or 4 months) after reading Rebecca Leber’s (Mother Jones’ energy, climate & environment reporter) tweets about how the mainstream media communicates ecological issues. Continue Reading

on “mix-ing” personal political feelings with the mission of the church?

I left this comment on Facebook in reply to one I saw here: Commenter: “why do people mix their personal political feelings with the mission of the church?” Me: Because “my personal feelings” tend to gravitate toward “The Kingdom of God” that is good news for all, ESPECIALLY the oppressed. The Trump administration is playing the role of Anti-Christ, and Continue Reading

Wesley would be an EcoReformer

I am sharing this post from UMNS ( to share my own contribution to the thread on this, and you can guess, if you’ve been reading my posts over the past year, what ‘reforms’ I will suggest. The UMNS post:  “As the Reformation’s 500th anniversary draws to a close, the Rev. Alfred T. Day III reflects on what Wesleyans add Continue Reading

This “stunning portrayal of a common creation”

“As Larry Rasmussen said, science offers us “the stunning portrayal of a common creation in which we are radically united with all things living and non-living, here and into endless reaches of space, and at the same time radically diverse and individuated. . . . And all of it is not only profoundly inter-related and inseparably interdependent but highly fine-tuned Continue Reading

I replied to David Roberts on Twitter

David Roberts on Twitter David Roberts on Twitter “The “green Pope” hype and the “creation care” hype appear to have been … hype. Christian (lack of) concern over climate change steady for 20 years:” Source: @EcoEcclesia replied to DrVox on Twitter: I do agree that the church has failed to make the connections between its theological identity and Continue Reading