“today we have only two roads in front of us: diff…
“today we have only two roads in front of us: difficult yet humane and easy yet reprehensible” – Amen @NaomiAKlein http://t.co/yxRQg9d2iI
“today we have only two roads in front of us: difficult yet humane and easy yet reprehensible” – Amen @NaomiAKlein http://t.co/yxRQg9d2iI
“When you are faced with a crisis of this magnitude people have to get out of their comfort zones” to join forces @NaomiAKlein prev article
Given this from the Catholic Church: “People and Planet First: the Imperative to Change Course” http://t.co/CAOcMHXsHi // hey Denominations!
But don’t worry, “the pope is not an economist.” @EndPovertyUSA @americamag — Nathan Schneider (@nathanairplane) July 2, 2015 (And yeah, I RT’d it and trying to embed it on Facebook. May just have to copy the text. )
But don’t worry, “the pope is not an economist.” @EndPovertyUSA @americamag
@nathanairplane I laughed at this, but not sure I get what you were thinking. But I THINK I do, sort of
.@EnvReddit you need a better filter; way too much Denier literature here in your feeds
.@TPM Good luck with that
I have Stanley Hauerwas to thank for the sentiments in what I said in that last post
REALLY have a problem when Christians quote verses on “Freedom” on July 4th. The sense and definition of “freedom” is NOT AT ALL the same.
Blog: Problems with “American holidays†and Churches http://t.co/yHW5jobCqu #occupytheology
granted, it’s not as obvious and extensive as the problem with the Confederate Flag, but the similar pitfalls are still there.
When churches “join the celebration” on July 4, I think the problem we face there has a slight similarity w/ the “Confederate Flag problem”, in that we can sometimes communicate an “all or nothing approval”, and rubber stamp a culture which worships at the shrine of America. When churches on Memorial Day weekend, which also “happens to be Pentecost Sunday” Continue Reading
Blog post: Problems with “American holidays” and Churches: http://t.co/wvnAJkUG2J