@Hootsuite_Help did both…no change
@Hootsuite_Help did both…no change
@Hootsuite_Help did both…no change
@dlturn David Suzuki: No social justice without climate action http://t.co/BcDwbnysGf Commie, socialist, revolutionary bastard
If you think democratic socialism is un-American, you don’t know history http://t.co/2gMYWpJSbv http://t.co/krYB2nmcil #4thofJulyweekend
@ColtsFan254 not only those hijackings, but also simply using the political sense of freedom; not at all same as freedom in faith context
@ColtsFan254 all over the news since Charleston shootings. People opposing removing it saying “It’s about heritage, not slavery”
@Hootsuite_Help where do I clear dashboard cache?
United Church Of Christ Takes A Stand On Israeli-Palestinian Conflict With Divestment Vote http://t.co/nB2CmIzJIN
@HootsuiteHelp when I click a tweet link on an article and it opens a twitter post page, the Hootsuite link gets stuck trying to open HS
“today we have only two roads in front of us: difficult yet humane and easy yet reprehensible” – Amen @NaomiAKlein http://t.co/yxRQg9d2iI
“When you are faced with a crisis of this magnitude people have to get out of their comfort zones” to join forces @NaomiAKlein prev article
Given this from the Catholic Church: “People and Planet First: the Imperative to Change Course” http://t.co/CAOcMHXsHi // hey Denominations!
But don’t worry, “the pope is not an economist.” @EndPovertyUSA @americamag — Nathan Schneider (@nathanairplane) July 2, 2015 (And yeah, I RT’d it and trying to embed it on Facebook. May just have to copy the text. )
But don’t worry, “the pope is not an economist.” @EndPovertyUSA @americamag
@nathanairplane I laughed at this, but not sure I get what you were thinking. But I THINK I do, sort of
.@EnvReddit you need a better filter; way too much Denier literature here in your feeds