MLK and the triple threat impacts environment issues as well (and vice versa) @ThisChanges Everything #OWS

As I read Naomi Klein’s ThisChangesEverything,  I am also winding down the final chapters of Tavis Smiley’s book Death of a King,  about MLK’s final years,  where he was offending a good portion of his following becuase they saw him as “Venturing out” from Race to issues (like war and economics)  that many were saying were “beyond his province”;  “Stick Continue Reading

Naomi Klein finds kernels of hope amid climate change and untamed capitalism

Slavery was as profitable as fossil fuel, but we still overcame it (or perhaps not quite, but we made good headway). via Book review: Naomi Klein finds kernels of hope amid climate change and untamed capitalism. So if something as profitable and ingrained in culture as slavery was finally defeated,  can we not have hope that unfettered capitalism can be Continue Reading