As the 4th approaches, remembering my #WildGoose2014 #wgf14 friends

(After I posted this initially,  I realized it should have been posted as an “Occupy Theology” post…so I posted a duplicate in that Custom Post Type) 4 days removed from returning from Hot Springs, NC,  I sit on July 3rd on my front porch wary of the Patriotism-fest about to be unleashed,  and most wary of the Constantinian moves taken Continue Reading

As the 4th approaches, remembering my #WildGoose2014 #wgf14 friends

4 days removed from returning from Hot Springs, NC,  I sit on July 3rd on my front porch wary of the Patriotism-fest about to be unleashed,  and most wary of the Constantinian moves taken by so many of our even Progressive churches.  We’ll sing Battle Hymn of the Republic and America the Beautiful,  songs I tend to like,  but in Continue Reading