MIssing Something Speical via The Occupied Bishop

As I read this story by Bishop Packard,  these words stood out as if to signal a common rally point for church folks who long to see the church active and enagaged again the deep sadness of our Church missing something special in history   http://occupiedbishop.blogspot.com/2012/05/arrestedagain.html

Keeping Together Spirituality, Prophetic Critique, and Nurture via @glassdimlyfaith

Indeed: When we look for this, we find the church weak, either nur­tur­ing per­sonal spir­i­tu­al­ity with­out a prophetic cri­tique (con­ser­v­a­tive), or focused on prophetic action with­out nur­tur­ing our spir­its (lib­eral). The church is Solomon’s baby, split in two. http://justiceunbound.org/carousel/letter-to-a-seminarian-from-a-christian-occupier/ In the words of my mentor-Church community,  The Church of the Saviour (now a “tradition unto itself,  having spawned numerous , Continue Reading

Mitt Romney Wants To Repeal The Rule That Would’ve Stopped The Latest Financial Scandal | TPMDC

Given all we’ve been through,  any firm this stupid HAS TO BE ALLOWED to fail,  OR  purged of their STUPID, CARELESS, unable to learn leadership and taken over. On a conference call with analysts, JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon announced that his firm had lost $2 billion investing in the same species of derivative that exacerbated the 2008 financial crisis. via Continue Reading

Socio-Theological Graph (inspired by a @jtrane article via @newmediaproject )

In reading Jim Rice’s study on Digital Ecclesiology,  this line got me thinking about something I have often “preached” in thepast couple of years. when people come to church they have found us on an Internet search looking for a progressive church via New Media Project at Union Theological Seminary | Models of the Church and Social Media. The question Continue Reading

Does our ‘digitology’ match our ecclesiology? via @Newmediaproject by @jtrane

Very rarrely do I ever see such a question.  Most church based social media rationale seems to be along the lines of “should the church use social media” and the answer is “yeah,  if we want to be relevant and speak the language of your culture”.  This question asks the deeper , morer theological rationale question. do our theological understandings and commitments Continue Reading