Toward a Theology of Occupy Wall Street via @OccupyCatholic

from a post by Kathryn Anderson:  I wondered how a theology of Occupy Wall Street could clarify our purpose and ideology, while inviting Catholics and other people of faith to engage with the movement with confidence and conviction. This post offers the beginnings of a theology for the Occupy Movement. It aims to identify the theology expressed by the movement Continue Reading

Labor and Work in Catholic Social Teaching and the Occupy Movement CST & OWS, PT 4 « The Theology Salon

Fr. Thomas Massaro SJ, Professor of Moral Theology at the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry: As diffuse and disputed as its agenda may be, the Occupy movement has called unprecedented attention to the great imbalances in power and material outcome experienced by Americans today. One could quibble with the movement’s tactics and demands or even with its math (that Continue Reading

Swimming the Deep(er) End – @HRheingold interviewed by his daughter, a Google employee #NetSmart

I found this video on Howard Rheingold’s Google Plus page,  and found this particular quote interesting:  His daughter asks for a first question:  “Is Google making us stupid?”  He says its a good question for conversation,  and he says:  “If you believe that our use of Social Media is making us shallow, then why not teach more people how to Continue Reading