As of yesterday afternoon around

As of yesterday afternoon around 3pm, I am unemployed. …….still kinda numb about that. I’m trying to hook up with the outside world again and get some connections and feelers out. My weblog seems important to that. For the past month or so, I had been using my VPN connection, and connecting remotely to my Radio application running on my Continue Reading

Letters in support of Jimmy Carter on his Leaving Southern Baptist Convention

Some examples of the many, including Jimmy, who could stand it no longer. This is not to say that I feel that all Southern Baptists owe it to their conscience to leave.  There’s such a thing as being “salt”;  to be a light and a ministry to areas of darkness and disobedience.  Sometimes members of a family can influence one Continue Reading

Visual Studio.Net secured

I was able to get a copy of VStudio via my role as a Church web developer,  through the denomination’s Communication office, which gets software at non-profit prices (like educational pricing).   .NET seems to be a likely provider of features I will be able to use in implementing new features for the Church website,  not to mention getting us geared Continue Reading

Steven Johnson Has Blog alert from Scott: Blog worthySteven Johnson’s books — “Interface Culture” and “Emergence” — represent some of the most thoughtful and idea-laden writing on technoculture you’ll find anywhere. Johnson, who was co-editor of the late lamented Feed as well, is now blogging away at [Scott Rosenberg’s Links & Comment]

Disarm Iraq Without War, Sojourners Magazine/November-December 2002

From Sojourner’s magazine,  where Jim Wallis,  just as he did during the Gulf War,  is a voice who speaks with a heart I consider to be “Christ-centered” and “Biblical”,  in  stark contrast to the “God Bless America” Christians who seem to consistently say that “whatever the USA wants ,  God will approve” : Saddam Hussein is an evil ruler, no Continue Reading

A friend and former Seminary professor, Mary Olson,  wrote to me recently and told mew about a “Honoring Differences” grant her organization, received from the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church.   The prayer on their front page asks that there be no war against Iraq,  and ….well,  click the link above and read it and Continue Reading

Blogs4God affirms the less-conservative minority

Much needed point made by Joshua at Blogs4God: “Yesterday I wrote, “With control of the White House, House of Representatives, and probably the Senate as well, Republicans are entering a historic time in American history. For the most part, Christian bloggers are ecstatic.” It was true yesterday, and it’s still true now: an overwhelming majority of pundit blogs listed here Continue Reading

This Christian Blogger is NOT Jubilant

Blogs4God reports on all the jubilation…. “With control of the White House, House of Representatives, and probably the Senate as well, Republicans are entering a historic time in American history. For the most part, Christian bloggers are ecstatic. Here’s a rundown of what some of the pundits had to say…“ I’m glad they put in the qualifier “for the most Continue Reading