Ups and Downs of Hope and Optimism

I had been feeling pretty good earlier today.  Went to my parent’s Church,  and heard a pretty good sermon.  Then we ate at my parent’s house while watching football ,  and then came home.   I sent out some more emails to people that might know of some job leads,  and I had written some stuff this morning that had me Continue Reading

Help me if you can!

All you fellow webloggers and often also “Web Developer types”:  If you know of something in Web development,  and more ideally in a theological/Church related setting,  please point them at me,  or give me a contact.  I’m in Nashville, TN,  but will go just about anywhere if the price and attraction and “mission” is right. 

Is There A Great Good Place For Me?

Later this week (probably Wednesday),  I’ll be talking to a friend of mine in Cincinnati who directs the operations of a place called “Old St. George”,  which is housed in a former Catholic Church structure.  It operates now as a meeting place,  a coffeehouse/cybercafe,  and hosts weddings and concerts,  as well as the offices of a number of ecumenical organizations.   Continue Reading