Being an Online Community

My Confessions Page leads rather naturally to a discussion here,  and I have been avoiding doing any dipping in this in a blogging sense,  since the topic usually surfaces a lot of feelings about not seeing a vision fulfilled,  realizing the need to “keep on keepin’ on”,  and then trying to figure out how to do a better persuasive job Continue Reading

Reflections on Shadowlands

Dave Winer blogs Shadowlands: There’s a great movie called Shadowlands starring Anthony Hopkins and Deborah Winger. …….. People who know all the answers, or pretend to, have simply forgotten to ask questions they don’t know the answers to. [Scripting News] Dave,  I think yiou nailed the real message of Shadowlands,  and the C.S.Lewis book which inspired it. What you and I Continue Reading

Coming back home usually spells victory in Series

OK,  before everybody starts talking about the Giants being on the brink of a Title,  remember recent history.  Coming home down 3-2,  the Angels need only look back one year to the Diamondbacks,  who trailed the Yankees 3-2 as the series came back to Arizona.  Look at 1991,  when the Twins did it to the Braves,  1987 when the Twins Continue Reading

Philly Enquirer sees through the Baseball Memorable Moment vote

I knew that this “vote” would raise debates.  It’s so incredibly clueless how people fail to realize (although the quote below does indeed realize) that people will vote for THEIR memorable moment based on at least a couple of factors:  That they were actually , like,  ALIVE and stuff when the event happened (the Jackie Robinson finishing 3rd complaint)  and Continue Reading

Baseball’s Most Memorable moment??!!

I was afraid that the “Most memorable Moment” would be the Ripken streak. What a media -induced response..  Consecutive games played is indeed a monumental achievement,  but WAY WAY over glorified.   I got SO sick of hearing about it.  I like Ripken,  and it’s certainly an awesome record,  but I do not consider that “memorable”.  Give me a break.  Not Continue Reading

Smart Mob Theological Issues – First Thoughts

I find myself in the position of “straddling” a bunch of new “experiments” with Church/theological websites. We have just gotten ourselves a new Web hosting solution for the Church,  and I have already uploaded a few “blog” pages to play around with what a Church blog might be like (not yet ready for prime time , though).  I also work in an Continue Reading

Church Business (or is it Church AS Business?)

Tim at e-church nails another deep seated worry/peeve/depressant of mine,  which is how the Church pursues the task of finding new members: and it is utterly like the rest of the business world strategies,  using marketing type tactics like reaching out to “market segments” and using business categories for these.  And the kind of thinking behind all this is how Continue Reading