Research and Preparation for Mission

When I wrote an article called “Online Community as Required Reading” ,  I was thinking of the Church’s “strategists”; the ones who try to discern “where the mission” should be focused; or what missions would address the needs. The Church of the Saviour derives these strategies out of waiting; they wait on reception of a call by any of its members, Continue Reading

Ups and Downs of Hope and Optimism

I had been feeling pretty good earlier today.  Went to my parent’s Church,  and heard a pretty good sermon.  Then we ate at my parent’s house while watching football ,  and then came home.   I sent out some more emails to people that might know of some job leads,  and I had written some stuff this morning that had me Continue Reading

Help me if you can!

All you fellow webloggers and often also “Web Developer types”:  If you know of something in Web development,  and more ideally in a theological/Church related setting,  please point them at me,  or give me a contact.  I’m in Nashville, TN,  but will go just about anywhere if the price and attraction and “mission” is right. 

Is There A Great Good Place For Me?

Later this week (probably Wednesday),  I’ll be talking to a friend of mine in Cincinnati who directs the operations of a place called “Old St. George”,  which is housed in a former Catholic Church structure.  It operates now as a meeting place,  a coffeehouse/cybercafe,  and hosts weddings and concerts,  as well as the offices of a number of ecumenical organizations.   Continue Reading

Job Hunting – Gulp!

This has been a very wierd and scary afternoon. I’ve been emotionally shaky, contemplating possible dire financial straits and the stress incurred, and I’ve felt liberated and hopeful as people email me and offer suggestions. I have just finished emailing a resume to a denominational headquarters to be an Internet Production assitant – which is close to what I have Continue Reading