Heretofore Unseen and Unanticpated places

I opened my recently acquired paperback copy of Call to Commitment,  by Elizabeth O’Connor,  which tells the first published story of the first decade and a half of The Church of the Saviour in Washington, D.C.  It opens with the following affirmation about the nature of the Church: The brownstone house in Washington, D. C. that has looked on so Continue Reading

Life is Good

Life is indeed good.  I don’t have a job yet,  but prospects are beginning to emerge,  most of which suggest that I may be a free agent, “contract” kind of worker on several Web projects for a handful of companies.   But I am so relieved to be out from under some scary days this past week,  when my wife had Continue Reading

Ad Hominem: Chris Locke on All The News That Didn’t Fit – Corante

From a new weblog by Chris Locke on   I think perhaps this applies to theoblogs as well.  Many times we find ourselves “working out our theology” in a very public way.  Sometimes that may be embarassing,  but I don’t think we need be. Just as we are not perfect as humans,  neither are we when we seek to interpret Continue Reading

Smart Mobs – A Book, A Blog, and a New Wave of Social Advance

Smart Mobs- The Blog (by author Howard Rheingold)The Book – Buy or read about it at Amazon A book (and also a Blog) that is something destined to be grabbed up by any group interested in becoming connected to the “always on” day to day routines of millions of working, roaming, “mobs” of people across the world.  Fine sociological analysis of Continue Reading

CyberChurch Legitimacy

Tim at e-church wrote about the question of cyberchurch and whether it is right to attend only online.  A similar question: can online church can “be Church” by itself.  I think part of a full response to this is that “by itself” is not truly possible for online Church,  since it depends on the idea that we are attempting to “grow” and “tranform” Continue Reading

e-church com.munity weblog: Cluetrain Manifesto

e-church on Cluetrain “It is all about belonging to the community, being indigenous. This is the cornerstone of most missions’ programs, AND applies online. This is why so few bricks and mortar churches understand the concept of ‘online ministry’. To most, we are expensive brochureware — but that is only because our words reference a world/community where they do not Continue Reading

Backin’ Down on a Campaign Promise

Like I’m really surprised,  but this was ONE area of the Bush campaign I determined to keep an open mind about,  even though many of my fellow “non-conservatives” were already dismissing it. The faith-based thing reminds me of some of the themes of Sojourner’s Jim Wallis’ themes in The Soul of Politics and “Faith Works (paperback) : How Faith-based Organizations Continue Reading