Disarm Iraq Without War, Sojourners Magazine/November-December 2002

From Sojourner’s magazine,  where Jim Wallis,  just as he did during the Gulf War,  is a voice who speaks with a heart I consider to be “Christ-centered” and “Biblical”,  in  stark contrast to the “God Bless America” Christians who seem to consistently say that “whatever the USA wants ,  God will approve” :

Saddam Hussein is an evil ruler, no doubt about it. But that is not enough for a war. Other heads of state have been evil, including some who have been allies of the United States (including Saddam during Iraq’s war with Iran). Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. But that is not enough for a war either. Many other nations have them, too, including U.S. allies, and including both Israel and ourselves. The question is what Saddam’s evil portends for the world, whether there is an imminent and urgent threat from his weapons, and, of course, what response would be both effective and consistent with Christian ethics……..

…..Will we attempt to meet our security needs by mere short-term strategies aimed at killing terrorists—or will we take the long-term approach and seek to drain the swamps of injustice and hopelessness in which the mosquitoes of terrorism breed?|Sojourners

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