Why the Right and the Centrists Attack Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


via Why the Right and the Centrists Attack Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez by Mark Davies

Here is one big reason why Republicans and even some corporatist/centrist Democrats are obsessively criticizing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ? they know that if younger generations ever fully realize and fully embrace that Democratic Socialism as practiced in the Nordic model actually works very very well (great education, great health care, strong economies, responsible care for the environment, and superb social security), then the Republican Party and the corporatist wing of the Democratic Party are finished.


Be careful what you sing about

“If you’re going to rejoice over the refusal of refugee families at our borders, you probably shouldn’t be sweetly singing about a baby with “no crib for a bed.”” —John Pavlovitz  https://buff.ly/2STaWPH

What’s this “not-yet-come-into-focus serendipitous convergence feeling”?

I’m having one of those feelings/experiences of being on the cusp of some not-yet-come-into-focus serendipitous convergences, sitting here in my air-conditioned office at home, with technology (Internet at 300 mbps, Tricaster based studio, 4k camera, a couple of older regular old HD consumer cameras) and books (Bible, theology books), and seemingly waiting for a word: Something to “lure” me through Continue Reading

The Democrat’s Bank Problem

Of course, this simply exonerates Trump in the eyes of his supporters, since DEFLECTION is their number one argument on everything. The reality is, Obama was never one to hold the banks accountable. He was firmly in the tradition of the “new Democrat”, garnering alliances with the powers that be while pushing a narrative of being firmly on the side Continue Reading

Failure of Online Community efforts in the church

I have to say, that I have been largely disappointed in the direction of the online world over the past 25 years in terms of Online Community. “Social Media” , which I feel was put in motion by blogging (and I’m thinking of you Dave Winer , when I think back to those days, when I began blogging using Radio Userland in Continue Reading

The “Cultural Cancer” that has infested the American Church

This was just posted to the Facebook Page of “The Christian Left” For decades most “Christians” have lectured everyone around them telling them that to be a “Christian” you must be a Republican. They talk about everything that happens in culture and politics based on that belief, that right-wing ideology is the “Christian” ideology and everything else is evil, especially Continue Reading

Before and after Trump, we still have a serious Climate Crisis

While there is much to celebrate in seeing Trump and his minions falling apart before our eyes,  and his bases withering in the face of mass protest,  we still have a huge problem: This Climate Crisis ( Actually, even more so now that so many have effectively loosened their grip on due diligence on continuing to fight for sanity in Continue Reading