How We Make Progress Now – by Bill McKibben

We are seeing a triumph of illiberalism unlike anything in our recent history, when cruelty is not obscured but exalted. I think for me the single most disheartening news of the past week—not close to the most important, but somehow the most illustrative—was the news that the Air Force would no longer be telling its new recruits about the history Continue Reading

For reality – by Bill McKibben – The Crucial Years

It is hard, watching the richest men on earth grovel before the new king, not to feel a little fear. I have some early morning bouts myself—perhaps I’ve caused enough trouble over the years for the fossil fuel industry that they will come for me. Those fears are tiny next to those of the millions of immigrant families who must Continue Reading

LA’s Hurricane Andrew Federal Response Uncertain

will the visual link preview work on regular POST type posts?
Nope. Why does Facebook do this successfully
( I get an embedded visual link with SC's logo and everything when I "share" the link on Facebook, but "Error loading block: the response is not a valid response". arggghhhh.. Update: It actually loads right when I view the saved page. It's the editor that gives this error. I wonder what that's about?

Of course. Fed bad. States on their own. Opposite of “national community” and mutual support. Always. A-holes.

Being a community of “interrogation” rather than “legitimation” **

This Bonhoeffer class** ending has me reeling on how we so desperately need a way to bring home the horror of the EcoCrisis in much the same way that the world came around to SEEING and “letting in” the horror of the Holocaust and Hitler. People are much less prone to accepting war when it is brought right up on Continue Reading

Out my window

Wow. I just minutes ago (now yesterday, as this post came from Facebook as it was happening) I started hearing helicopters in the air around the apartment complex, and when I got up and looked out, I saw the main drag (Murfreesboro Road) approaching the intersection at Hobson Pike at a total stand still. I Googled the location, and saw Continue Reading

Hate to break it to ya, MAGA, but Bad News for You on your agenda

The bad news for “MAGA Church”. Go back to Sunday School, but do it in a real church this time. Inspired by this post: Bible verses condemning trans folks: 0Bible verses about welcoming migrants: 33Bible verses about advocating for peace: 429Bible verses about loving God and others: 714Bible verses about taking care of the poor: 2000+There are absolutely no “biblical” Continue Reading

Why we need “Religionless Christianity” in an age of the “MAGA Church”

These MAGA “churches” are those kinds of “churches” that drove Dietrich Bonhoeffer to call for a “religionless Christianity”, which I take to mean that this expression of “religion” where Christianity has become entrapped by cultural “authorities” (those in power) who have appropriated Christianity to justify their cruelty and “objectifying” of “the other”.