Will the human world fight for it’s life?

“Trump administration officials have hinted that they are indeed making the case that efforts to limit climate change are worse than its harms and that warming might benefit humanity on balance.” — https://www.vox.com/climate/403877/epa-climate-rollback-endangement-trump-environment

I've often thought about how the sane leaders in the world might collaborate to determine to stop a country or countries whose activities threaten the rest of the world. This would certainly be that area that is rapidly accelerating toward becoming an out of control disaster on an unprecedented scale, and our idiot, corrupt, anti-empathy government is flaunting its childish "own the libs" spitefulness by doubling down on something they have apparently no clue that they would be the most ill-equipped to handle. "Ill-equipped" doesn't even actually begin to capture their ignorance and denial. They are breaking everything they touch, just as Trump always has throughout his life. And they think they can pretend they know **Anything** about the reality of the ecosystem, and that this posing will somehow vindicate them.

It's truly very much like the world turning to defeat Hitler, to protect against the expansion of an empire run by a madman. The U.S., Russia, and Israel are banding together for fascist takeover, and they brandish fossil fuels as a "super power", which is turning the "doomsday clock" ever faster and faster toward that dreaded end at midnight.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

One Reply to “Will the human world fight for it’s life?”

  1. Theoblogical Post author

    It’s things like this that bring me to thinking about World War threats, and whether humans across the globe will ever decide to rise up to protect life from getting snuffed out by madmen. We are also, at the same time, seeing lines crossed by countries invading and genociding populations for the purposes of colonization and expansion. With both these elements exploding (Ecological Balance and world peace), I’m wondering what it will take to get the world’s sane leaders to discuss confronting and policing and defending the world?

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