I've never understood the desire of so many Democratic voters to go on and on about the "great economy" under Biden. I do understand that it was far better than what he inherited, and far better than what it is now after just two months of chaotic over-reach, but , for someone with a growing sense of foreboding about what is happening to our physical world, with very little sign that it is being given anywhere near the attention and urgency it MUST have in order for this planet to be habitable for the vast majority of life, I MUST recognize that the "economy" that doesn't account for the costs of our continued assault on the ecological balance, is FAR from a "healthy economy". It is the exact opposite of a healthy economy. It is a cataclysmically UNHEALTHY economy, especially since it reflects the kind of denial of the urgency and effects of ecological unraveling that many Dems condemn only the Republicans for having. But when it is not reflected in our economic plans and assessments, then we are simply denying that we are in denial.