Church website Visions

I feel that I have arrived on the Church web scene too early (as it often seems with just about anything having to do with new technologies and the Church—– the Church community is often not among the early adopters of new technologies).   I think this is particularly true in the case of online technologies,  having to do so much with the idea of providing more ways to “communicate”,  and since communication is so key to community,  there are debates and exploring of effects of new technology,  and concerns about damaging the fabric of community by an uncritical acceptance of “new ways of meeting”; concerns which are worthy to be taken seriously.

The kind of Church community embodied by The Church of the Saviour inWashington , D.C. was not only a key theological influence on my life,  but a starting place for what it is to be a Church on the Web,  and how the flavor of a Church Community is to be communicated in that medium.  For me,  the key element is STORY,  and to tell a story about a People is to call into the fore the key questions about what makes a people a Church,  and how we can use the various technologies available via the Web to communicate that story in a variety of ways. 

Much more than an information Bulletin Board,  with times and schedules and maps to find the meeting place locations,  a web site can be a way to invite persons of like mind in terms of mission and theology to “sample” this community as a possible fit for their calling as Children of God.  It can and should also be an expression in story of what has , is,  and will be happening in the course of the carrying out of the task of being the Church in this particular place,  with this particular people,  in this particular time.  It is also a way to tell the story of what the Church has been,  and how that history is being carried forward into the present and future.  And also,  but not at all least in this multiplicity of possibilities,  is the ability to use the medium to interact,  share stories, personal visions,  reactions, hopes, fears,  and practically the whole range of personal sharing. 

The online is not a replacement for ftf,  nor does it neccessarily detract from the need we all have (and I have always believed it is a MUST HAVE for all of us) to have a community to whom we come face to face on a regular basis and observe the celebrations, worship, teaching and learning, envisioning, etc. that is a part of the mix of the things that make for a community of God’s people.   I rather like the idea of the Web as “extension” of the community into the online world,  where the constant needs to hear or be heard are allowed to be constantly expressed and received by the Company of the Committed. 

On to Web Site Functions   

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