Creating or Consuming: The Church and Social Media Relationship #wiredchurch

I paused on the following item I found in a summary of a book tweeted by @gavoweb (Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling by Andy Crouch) It is not enough to condemn culture. Nor is it sufficient merely to critique culture or to copy culture. Most of the time, we just consume culture. But the only way to change culture Continue Reading

Theology After Google: Finally Some SocioTheological insight #theologyAfterGoogle #wiredchurch #smchurch

Or, I hope so. It sounds promising. At least they are asking the question.  We’ll have to see what the conversation brings. Interesting that this is happening;  I’ve been looking allover for people excited/energized by Social Media/New Media/”online faith”  that are NOT  solely entranced by the “evangelism/get “the message out there” aspect;  this to me seems to ignore the McLuhan Continue Reading

Exploring Twitterville @shelisrael #smchurch #wiredchurch (socialmediaologists)

I have just finished reading some more of Twitterville.  I got the book almost 3 months ago,  but I am a slow reader,  and I find myself spending more and more time posting and paying attention to what is going on in the “Twittersphere” which @shelisrael calls Twitterville.  I suppose that this experience of mine is one of the better Continue Reading

Howard Rheingold, Part 1 #ChurchSocial

Shel Israel Author of Twitterville with an interview of Howard Rheingold,  a social media guru extraordinaire – wrote groundbreaking book The Virtual Community in 1993 Global Neighbourhoods: SM Global Report: Howard Rheingold, Part 1 This guy is a big part,  and one of the best writers/analysts on what we now call Social Media. He is a big part of getting Continue Reading