“Discarded intellectual” part 2 “Theologians of Networked Community” #WiredChurch

Another “Discarded intellectual” group that is sorely needed by the church,  is the “theologian of network technology”.  It is kept from playing a significant  role largely because the church organizations have followed the market tendencies in technology to the exclusion of sound theological discernment about how to let the “Social” actually BE social.  It has much to do with theological Continue Reading

Howard Rheingold, Part 1 #ChurchSocial

Shel Israel Author of Twitterville with an interview of Howard Rheingold,  a social media guru extraordinaire – wrote groundbreaking book The Virtual Community in 1993 Global Neighbourhoods: SM Global Report: Howard Rheingold, Part 1 This guy is a big part,  and one of the best writers/analysts on what we now call Social Media. He is a big part of getting Continue Reading