TB to WordPress
Test Trackback in WordPress Blog OKay, doggone it, now trackbacks from DotText are not working. This is getting frustrating. I did a trackback to the WordPress Dev blog, and it worked (the WordPress Dev Blog picked it up )
Test Trackback in WordPress Blog OKay, doggone it, now trackbacks from DotText are not working. This is getting frustrating. I did a trackback to the WordPress Dev blog, and it worked (the WordPress Dev Blog picked it up )
My MT blog is reverted back to 2.66 ( I think) This is the first time I’ve seen the Edit Entry page since trying to upgrade to 3.0 .
Just uploaded the two files to use the MT Plugin called SubCategories When I try to go to the mt-sc.cgi file in my movable type root, I get the following error: An error occurred: Can’t locate Storable.pm in @INC (@INC contains: c:\myhost\myaccount\movtyp\extlib where C:\myhost is the root dir and myaccount is myuser subdirectory Any ideas? I will link to the Continue Reading
How do I add to the Category Pages? I want to have a way for someone reading a post from a Category Page to go back to the “Category’s Archive page, or IOW, see the other posts with links to them in that Category. Right now the only way to do that is go back to the “Home-Home” and click Continue Reading
I’ve been getting blasted by a glut of comments that point to http://web-development-company.beashes.com (I wouldn’t go there). How does one stop these scum when they use a different Ipadress each time, and a different email (somefemalename@yahoo.com) ? I just go to the datbase and delete them.
Now that I’ve upgraded to 2.661, what more, if anything, am I supposed to do to get it’s commetn spam protection working? I had 3 or 4 more this morning when I checked my mail….
I have never been able to upload files using the MT upload feature. When I enter an image path and enter a destination, I get a “File Not Found” when I try to upload it. I have set write permissions for the user ( or maybe I haven’t). This host is a Windows 2003 server, but is running Perl, which Continue Reading
I keep getting hit the last couple of days by somebody from bodypiercing.com and some such domains…..a dozen or so at a time, las tnight, and again this morning. I want to upgrade to the latest version, but I want to keep my settings. Can I do this without having to re-install any plugins? I don’t want to have to Continue Reading
Anybody know how to create an Archive List for Category Pages? My Category Pages only show the last x amount of posts, with no way to go further back than that many posts. I would also be intrested in a way to make the calendar be navigatible, IOW, be able to look back to previous months.
Help! A while back when I re-did my template to fix the non-scrolling text problem, I forgot to save my code for linking to the Category Archive for whatever category that post was assigned. It was located next to the Comment and Trackback links. It apparently used a built-in function of MT, since I do not see it as an Continue Reading
In Netscape 7, (and AKMA tells me also in Safari) , the right column is submerged under the left column. If I put these in separate table cells, how does this happen? Can anybody tell me? Is it something in the style sheet? How can the style sheet override the table cells? I have two rows, and two columns. the Continue Reading
I’m goin’ back to the old style sheet, and trying a new template. We’ll See what happens. (result: whoops, no sidebar to the right. I must need some stylesheet specifics. I’ll check on that one.) Just noticed. All the stuff that should be in the right hand column (links and stuff) is all at the bottom under the blog entries) Continue Reading
I found a template that works, but it has a couple problems: the width of the main area beneath the banner. The right hand column disappears when I resize the width of the browser by narrowing the window past a certain width. I want to make the right bar align to the right side of the browser window, and NOT Continue Reading
How can I find AND INSTALL an index page template for this page that has the links on the right (all the stuff, the calendar, the Category and Archive links, everything onthe left on my index.html page) so I can see if this fixes my “overflowing/non-wrapping” text in the entries on this page. This does not happen on any of Continue Reading
I have yet to come even close to a sloution to this problme on the main index template for MT! The text will not wrap, although it has no problem doing so on the archive pages or in the Category pages. This tells me it’s not the data, since the same posts wrap fine on those pages. It’s the Home Continue Reading