I’ve lost my linkToCategory

Help! A while back when I re-did my template to fix the non-scrolling text problem, I forgot to save my code for linking to the Category Archive for whatever category that post was assigned. It was located next to the Comment and Trackback links.

It apparently used a built-in function of MT, since I do not see it as an installed plugin, which I would NOT have deleted. I had forgotten it was in my template, and I’m sure I saved it somewhere, but right now I have no idea where.

Can anybody help?

One Reply to “I’ve lost my linkToCategory”

  1. Dale Lature (Me)

    Thanks goes to Caleb Basset of Language Maven.com for giving me the answer I sought about this.

    If there are any who found this page looking for the same help, here is the answer:

    <MTEntryCategories glue=”, “>
    |  See related posts in <a href=”<$MTCategoryArchiveLink$>”><$MTCategoryLabel$></a>

    The “glue attribute is what goes between instances of muliple categories, in this case, a comma and a space. One could substitute
    ” or ” or something, I suppose.

    Now my question is, is there a way to have it show how many entries there are in said category?

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