How to add functionality to the Category Pages

How do I add to the Category Pages? I want to have a way for someone reading a post from a Category Page to go back to the “Category’s Archive page, or IOW, see the other posts with links to them in that Category. Right now the only way to do that is go back to the “Home-Home” and click a category link. It ought to at least have the name of the Category , which is displayed a the top (on mine it’s like this on the “Baptist” category page:

Movable Theoblogical
The Movable Type Version of Theoblogical Community
Baptist Category Archives

the top line is in the h1 style, the second line is the style class “Description”, and the “xxxx Category Archives” is in “Descriptio” style with the h3 tag applied. The third line could be a link to a page which displays only X number of links, and if all posts cannot be fit on this one screenfull, then a list of links or a calendar should appear (or have the page display only the posts from the last month, or both : up to X number of posts over X number months).

This would remedy the problem of my “Main Category Page” being extremely huge, since it contains numerous entries (hundreds, which all LOAD in). This seems overkill, and bandwidth hoggish.

Actually, I could use quite a few enhancements of Movable Type (at least as presently implemented by yours truly). I keep hoping MT Pro will finally arrive. Some have mistakenly suggested that this was fulfilled in the opening of the “Type Pad” service, but this was refuted by the Movable type folks. They are still planning on releasing MT Pro, and I am anxious to try it.

I also wish a few things could be fixed with dotText. The trackbacks seem to only get received from other dotText blogs. The outgoing trackbacks (FROM dotText show up fine on Movable Type blogs, but not the other way….posts linking to my dotText blog FROM my MT blog do NOT show up as trackbacks (which , in dotText, is included along with comments under the “Feedback” link at the end of each blog post).

I would actually prefer that I could use ASP classic, but not at the expense of the loss of ease of use (especially becuase I wish to provide a way to help Churches — and related organizations — get into blogging). Since I am used to “getting under the hood” in ASP (unlike me and Perl and MT-plugin stuff), I would like to be able to customize and integrate the blogs with other web features. I can’t do that in my present state of knowledge (or anytime soon after that) with things too much removed from ASP/ADO.

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