The Obama I’m FOR vs the Obama I’m against

I will vote for Barak Obama,  but I have trouble these days calling myself a “supporter”.  I explicitly deny that designation when it is suggested that I am.  But I find it hard now because of the way he handled the banks,  the way he has extended and built upon the “security” measures undertaken in the Patriot Act,  and the Continue Reading

more from #MLK and the #OWS via @tikkunonline by @bescofield

<A HREF=””> Widgets</A> Be Schofield’s article I blogged about earlier includes this assesment of MLK’s “final campaign” (the Poor People’s March)  : King had developed several goals in his final campaign, which may or may not inspire the OWS movement. He had hoped the Poor People’s Campaign would achieve direct employment through a massive public works program, a guaranteed annual Continue Reading