Occupied Bishop: Wall Street Feeds Off of Everyone #occupytheology

This retired Episcopal bishop, George Packard,  has been blogging about his advocacy for the Occupy Movement.  He quotes from the “Tidal”  ,  an Occupy journal: We wouldn’t be here if Wall Street fed off itself; we are here because it is feeding off everyone. http://bishopsnotebook.blogspot.com/2011/12/what-occupy-is-read-tidal.html Another choice bit from Tidal: If the phantoms of Wall Street are confused by our presence Continue Reading

Change I Can REALLY Believe In

I think that I am perhaps putting a dog in this (political)  fight because I have been depressed and disappointed with the church in my life these past couple of years to an extent unmatched in my lifetime.  The fact that I have been reading the Hauerwas’ and Fitch’s and JKA Smiths has only heightened the sense of contrast between Continue Reading

What Have We Been Sold?

It’s so sad,  and depressing, and discouraging to see all the cynicism, mistrust,  and prejudice in so many people,  all around me, everywhere I go.  So many of these people are even close to and involved in churches,  and I wonder how they come to think and feel and believe and live in this way.  It’s so ironic that they Continue Reading