American Churches and Popular Uprisings

Explore the history visa vi People’s History  etc.

Dorothy Day, Raschenbusch, Finney,  Merton,  MLK

Following the church alignments with various and opposing uprisings  (Tea Party vs Progressive/Environmental/“Socialist” (formerly known as Liberal agenda)

Researching Poor People’s campaign for background/theological rationale and movement insights to help us as a church mobilize for economic justice (even tho now we are moving into something less than pure altruism;  we are ALL increasingly affected (but not as if we weren’t even when it wasn’t so directly affecting us economically)

Ingredients of a successful online mobilization;  or :  How do we use a tool that by itsvery nature keeps us “walled off”  or “disembodied” into EMBODIMENT?    Tahir Square required a presence as the result.

Church mission requires we ask a similar,  if not directly relevent question:  How do we move beyond conversation (ie “endless conversation”)  to engagement and embodiment?  os

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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