I’m available for part time or full time work

Since I hadn’t mentioned it in a while, I’m still looking for work.

As I continue to try to find that “niche market” that best utilizes my gifts, passions,  and visions for the church in utilizing and expanding the online resources at our disposal,  I have to do something to address the growing sense of anxiety about the future for my family (translation:  I ain’t making nearly enough money)  I thought I would announce my concerns here so that I could put  my online community to work (or at least “in the know” concerning my hopes for the immediate future;  or my accelerating needs to be pulling in something of a dependable  income. 

My “hoped-for/qualified-for is a Church related Web, Online Community, Social Media related job for a guy with Technical web and Database development knowledge AND theological training (So I’m a guy with a feel for Church, for Applications to use via the Web for Church communications and online community)

So, any leads/possibilities would be greatly appreciated. At this point though, I would "settle" for even Help Desk/Support work. I’ve got to believe that there are places that need the skills I bring to the table.

here is a link to my resume (in pdf and in html form).  Feel free to send that in any direction you may find holds a possibility for someone like me,  and also feel free to offer me any advice in the comments. 


About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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