#ChurchSocial- the beginnings of a mission statement

I blogged on Tuesday about how Church related Social Networking should be somewhat distinct from Social Networking in general.  I feel I need to clarify that a bit.  The article I linked to in that post was from an a group called fellowship technologies.  They specialize in helping churches.  I responded to the content on the page to which I linked,  and quoted the section entitled “Who You Are”.  I began writing my blog post immediately after reading that.  Later,  I read the Job Description,  which does a bit more mention of the idea of mission or calling. 

It sounds like they know what they’re doing re: programming and being passionate about it.  And they also sound like they have a great atmosphere and close-knit group.  I also feel that I might not be a “technical” fit there.  Even though I have been developing for 10 years,  and have had my hands in lots of technologies,  I still feel the most valuable thing I bring to the table is as a liaison between Church clients and Developers.  I know issues that developers face.  I understand what many tools are able to do,  and can do SOME/MANY of those things as a developer myself.  But there is a need for theological reflection on the church and what it’s about in order to know that there is a piece on the table of tools that I can reach for to help build a particular application.  I have studied the sociology of Online Community.  I have watched the Church interact with online technology for almost 20 years. 

What I am looking for is a place where my envisioning credentials are as important as the technical. I want to find a place where both are highly valued.  Perhaps even where it is recognized that there is a greater need for the vision and the theological —or at least wants to start from that before asking what tools are used;  or perhaps even allowing the ability to pick up a tool and look at it and see what it was designed to do,  and then experience an “aha” as some envisioning is spurred by the function the tool provides.

It has been SO hard to find that.  And just as often,  it is also hard to articulate. I just thought I’d give it a try.  I’ll keep trying , too.  Becasue somewhere in that “fit” that is out there somewhere for me,  there is the next step;  a new place (or placeS)  to live out my call. 

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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