Scary Financial Times

With all the turmoil happening in our economy,  and gas being unavailable in many area stations,  I feel like I’m hunkering down. I have to wait until I know there is gas at the stations before I venture out,   since I may run out if I do an unsuccessful excursion to the station.

The economy and the gas situation,  all of it leaves me even more distrustful of the idiots and criminals running our country,  and even worse,  they’re all “energy industry” people.

And then there’s this economy thing.  How scary.  A trillion dollars this month in “fixes”?  What’s happening?  These people are CLUELESS,  and the polls are showing McCain only slightly behind?  Would this country dare elect someone who started off by admitting he is not strong in economic matters?  Who surrounds himself with “economic advisors” who have been involved in oil prices speculation responsible for 30% of the present oil price levels?  And this guy is getting away with calling “Obama” elitist”?  It is all so very scary.  And I just can’t let myself think about it too much.  I avoid when I can,  economic articles.  Whether they be by smart people or by neocon ideological people.  The latter raise my blood pressure (which I also don’t need) by reminding me how Americans are like sheep being led to slaughter by people who clearly don’t care about anybody but their own “elite”.  They let themselves be sucked in by patriotic drivel and allow themselves to be sucked into supporting things which hurt them badly.  Hurt us all.  

The articles by smart people are also disturbing,  because they are trying to tell us the truth.  And that isn’t easy to take either.  What are we headed for?  All this talk of “security”,  and we’re imploding with our lack of economic security,  allowed to deteriorate so badly by these elitist criminals who do NOT CARE about us.  When will the 99% say “enough of this shit! Get the hell out and then we will try you for treason!”???  We’ve truly allowed an evil to take hold.  These are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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