Gnosticism of the churches masks our inability to respond with any prophetic strength

My college days and Facebook friend Toby Roberts made a comment that sent me into a reply that I want to share as a post: Toby: Does the virus not like weddings? Actually, it LOVES weddings. Me: And they are happening, weekend after weekend, all summer, right across the street from me and unavoidably reminding me of the utter senselessness of clinging Continue Reading

The drive to restore “normal” is at a feverish “idolatrous” pitch

I posted yesterday about another wedding about to happen. Well, it did, and it was just like the others: 40-50 people, exhibiting ZERO caution about distancing, or masks, laughing and screaming, singing, indoors for hours, and topping it off with a bride-groom procession between lines of people on both sides, maskless, shoulder to shoulder, out the front door and into Continue Reading

Lawless crooks; mob rule

Trump Administration again tries to “bully” and retaliate, sending Michael Cohen back to prison from home confinement after he hesitated in signing a condition to his home confinement that he NOT publish his book or speak up about what is in it, or speak negatively about Trump. Federal judge says , in no uncertain terms, SHOVE IT. You cannot do Continue Reading

Modern day Gnostics

The “Christian Right” are the modern day Gnostics. They seem to easily adapt their “spirituality” to an ethic and a concept of a Kingdom that is detached from the lives of people where they are, and cling instead to some romanticized, “knowledge/docgtrinal based” system of verbal confession. One must “pose things in the right wording’ in order to be among Continue Reading

Eco-Idolatry? Theological Nonsense

(This post was originally posted two years ago today, on Facebook. It showed up today on my Facebook “Memories”) I am intrigued with the eagerness people seem to have to “expose” eco-theological concerns as some form of idolatry, and thus apostasy. It strikes me as rather blind to the clear ecological consciousness of Scripture; which should be recognized from the very Continue Reading

“Beginning(s) of the End”

Looks like another wedding weekend is happening across the street. Clumps of people (6-7) coming and going, maskless, in and out of the building yesterday, for what would seem to fit the pattern of a rehearsal dinner. I’ll be looking later on to see if the same behavior persists (wedding attenders of the ceremony plus reception, mask-less, singing, celebrating). I Continue Reading

The Mob Feds

After Trump said he would send agents to more cities, Philly’s district attorney lays out how he might criminally charge federal officers.