Gnosticism of the churches masks our inability to respond with any prophetic strength

My college days and Facebook friend Toby Roberts made a comment that sent me into a reply that I want to share as a post: Toby: Does the virus not like weddings? Actually, it LOVES weddings. Me: And they are happening, weekend after weekend, all summer, right across the street from me and unavoidably reminding me of the utter senselessness of clinging Continue Reading

The drive to restore “normal” is at a feverish “idolatrous” pitch

I posted yesterday about another wedding about to happen. Well, it did, and it was just like the others: 40-50 people, exhibiting ZERO caution about distancing, or masks, laughing and screaming, singing, indoors for hours, and topping it off with a bride-groom procession between lines of people on both sides, maskless, shoulder to shoulder, out the front door and into Continue Reading