“The message” is more than the inclusion of words like “God” and “Jesus” and “Family” and “Fellowship”

Watching “The Family” on Netflix. Just heard a person being interviewed say “No matter what reason a person is at the Prayer Breakfast, they’re going to hear a message about God’s love”. And this is the case , how? “Obviously”, whenever one disseminates a message (implication : “Any message”, as long as it includes certain words like God and Love Continue Reading

“Redoing our economic system” : YES, that should be the least of our worries

Blocked: People who say #GreenNewDeal has nothing to do with Climate Change and simply wants to “redo” our economic system and “change to socialism”. Such inanity and cluelessness is useless and a waste of time.(Unless I want to talk about the inter-locking relationships of nearly everything, but the “it’s all socialism” and “that’s all bad” is what is blind, oblivious ideology)

The “Power of Prayer” may be God sending us

I posted this as a comment in a thread that started under my post to a group (The New Methodists) of this quote: “There is something deeply hypocritical about praying for a problem you are unwilling to resolve.” ~ Miroslav Volf A commenter wrote: “We believe in the power of prayer. Yet St. Paul writes faith without works is dead. Continue Reading