Month: January 2019
Why the Right and the Centrists Attack Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
via Why the Right and the Centrists Attack Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez by Mark Davies
The neglect (and denial) of the churches heighten the emotional toll of climate change
Re: this previously highlighted quote: “imagine what the cultural expression of climate change denial and avoidance does to compound the depression, anxiety, and grief! ” — Margaret Swedish in New Creation News (re: the grief such as that written about in Imagine what the church’s silence on this, even in so-called “Progressive” denominations and church communities, does to Continue Reading
The emotional toll of our Ecological Crisis: where is the church?
I probably linked to this a couple weeks ago (Christmas week), but can’t remember. But just in case, here it is again:…/climate-grief-growing-emotional-t… HT to Margaret Swedish for the reminder in her post this morning ) ‘Climate grief’: The growing emotional toll of climate change Extreme weather and dire climate reports are intensifying the mental health effects of global warming: depression and resignation about Continue Reading
The church isn’t helping us much at all; perhaps heightening the problem
This “imagine what the cultural expression of climate change denial and avoidance does to compound the depression, anxiety, and grief! ” — Margaret Swedish in New Creation News 12 days into 2019, where do things stand? [Okay, I should have announced that I would be taking a few weeks off from this blog, and I hope you haven’t missed me too much. Continue Reading
The natural world self-consciously an integral part of our worshiping experience
“…our restoration/reorientation through worship has tended to leave out an important, indeed crucial, relationship. We are reoriented to God, self, and the human community, but often we have experienced that reorientation without a self-conscious reorientation of our relationship with the rest of creation, which is the matrix in which we live and move and have our being. We are a Continue Reading
U.S. is an Oligarchy
Indeed it is. Jimmy Carter: The U.S. Is an “Oligarchy With Unlimited Political Bribery” According to the former president, Americans are now experiencing “a complete subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors.”
The right wing myth of the dire effects of high taxes
In The New York Times Opinion Section, Paul Krugman writes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s tax rate proposal, “America used to have very high tax rates on the rich — higher even than those AOC is proposing — and did just fine. Since then tax rates have come way down, and if anything the economy has done less well.” [contentcards url=”” target=”_blank”]
Abusing the Bible
“For all its inspiration, for all the lives it has changed, the Bible is undeniably problematic. Put in the hands of egocentric, unloving, or power-hungry people or those who have never learned how to read spiritually inspired literature, it is almost always a disaster.” — Richard Rohr And: “Just as the Bible takes us through many stages of consciousness and history, Continue Reading
“Team Sports”
Says the man who wrote “The Book of Virtues”, William Bennett. He says “Play ball” with the Republicans. Now that’s “Virtue”; play ball, morality and virtue takes a back seat to that loyalty. Nice.
No, it’s not a National Emergency
Our idiot President
A message for Trump
Still works for me January 6, 2017 · Dale Lature, Facebook Memory 2 yrs ago
The calming, centering effects of time spent in nature
““scientists believe that we evolved to be more relaxed in natural spaces.” — From a Facebook post linked article.Gives further credence to the idea of natural revelation, for which the Scriptures themselves are witness. Some theologians have called the natural world one of “two Scriptures”; one of written word, the other of God revealed through Creation.