@RussellTpot it sounds like you’re agreeing with m…
@RussellTpot it sounds like you’re agreeing with my point: a certain cultural characteristic isn’t neccessarily a cause of a behavior (1/2)
@RussellTpot it sounds like you’re agreeing with my point: a certain cultural characteristic isn’t neccessarily a cause of a behavior (1/2)
Have there ever been “atheistic” regimes that killed people and perpetrated massive evil? Of course. Is that “athiesm”‘s doing? #JustAsking
RT @craigary: I will give @realDonaldTrump free, lifetime classes at the college called STFU. // LOL
The 9/11 attackers were also NOT Muslims in any religious sense. ANY. Totally nationalistic & detached from morality; loss of sanity.
.@MSNBC playing NBC News coverage from 9/11/2001
When Crusaders killed “in the name of God”, that didn’t prove anything about Christianity except it can be used in service of the state
“just because you shout God’s name while committing murder doesn’t make your actions righteous” http://t.co/qLlZ4dSNiv // should be assumed
even from the viewpoint of a casual observer, ISIS is an abomination to Islam http://t.co/QeHgYpPdiD Obvious to any but the Islamaphobes.
GOP strategist tweeted. “ISIS says it’s Islamic, lots of people say it’s Islamic” http://t.co/2uyd3Gz6CT // that Settles it, then. LOL
How Fast is Starbucks’ New Google WiFi? The Speed Test http://t.co/oUMFo4LRpL // my experience with both as well. AT&T was horrible.
Google @Starbucks wifi has convinced me to return to Starbucks to wait (when I have to be out) and have the hope of getting much done.
Starbuck’s new wifi provider , Google, kicks the former provider, AT&T wifi’s butt. 20mbps down 10 up. Watching last night’s DailyShow.
Blog post:Facebook Social Graph & Theological Communities: http://t.co/dwWghJRnhQ Why Social Graph is important for Church Online…