Advent’s Economic Good News- Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove #occupytheology

All of a sudden, we are awake. We’ve been given eyes to see God’s economy as the alternative we need. Reading this post from Jonathan also reminds me of Matthew’s recounting of the vision of Isaiah : “The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light”  (Mt 4:16, Is.9:2)

Occupy Wall St. – Žižek’s Act or Badiou’s Event? #occupytheology

From The Church and PostModern Culture.  Excellent. Badiou calls these eruptions ‘events’, an event (in this case a political event) is the revealing or acknowledging of something within the situation that had not been previously represented by the state, and not only not represented by also repressed by the state.  In this way, an event disrupts the smooth functioning of Continue Reading

Occupied Bishop: Wall Street Feeds Off of Everyone #occupytheology

This retired Episcopal bishop, George Packard,  has been blogging about his advocacy for the Occupy Movement.  He quotes from the “Tidal”  ,  an Occupy journal: We wouldn’t be here if Wall Street fed off itself; we are here because it is feeding off everyone. Another choice bit from Tidal: If the phantoms of Wall Street are confused by our presence Continue Reading

The Protester – Person of the Year 2011 – TIME #occupytheology

“Massive and effective street protest” was a global oxymoron until — suddenly, shockingly — starting exactly a year ago, it became the defining trope of our times. And the protester once again became a maker of history.,28804,2101745_2102132,00.html One might ask how this is “theological”.  Well,  my theology includes those “theologies”  which do not claim to be “theologies”.  James K.A. Smith Continue Reading