Seeking justice More #occupytheology from @RogerWolsey

Effective movements that intend to make a difference tend to peter out unless the activists sense a spiritual component and allow their faith to sustain them during the rough road ahead. Roger puts his finger on something I’ve long believed (ever since coming into contact with the life and practices of the people of The Church of the Saviour in Continue Reading

RNS: “Churches help Occupy movement survive crackdowns, winter” #occupytheology

 A recent poll by the Public Religion Research Institute and Religion News Service found that less than a third of Americans say the Occupy movement represents their values, but the police evictions seem to have boosted religious support for the movement. This comes with actually learning something about the movement,  instead of letting the inane memes circulating through various media Continue Reading

Researching WordPress Custom Post Types and RSS feed/Calendar issues #WPcustomPostTypes

As I have begun doing posts of type “occupytheology”,  I see that the RSS feed does not include them.  I was hoping for an option somewhere,  but it seems WP still hasn’t done much to make the Custom Post Types “administer-able” without Plugins.  I found a Calendar widget for Custom Post Types,  but the links to the Date Archive don’t Continue Reading