Less ‘Fire and Brimstone’

A CBN documentary was doing a piece on how preachers don’t preach “The Doctrine of Hell” as much anymore.  They interviewed several fundy-pundits and various preachers in “successful” churches.  CBN’s message seemed to be that it’s all in being “politically correct”.  I would add that preachers are finding out what characteristics of God are more appealing,  which is especially important Continue Reading

Columbia News Through the Weblog Community

I slept late this morning,  and after starting my morning coffee in the pot,  I sat down,  checked mail,  and then fired up Radio to read the News from my aggrergator.  Doc’s post showed up first,  and I didn’t recognize for a couple of minutes what he was referring to,  because I had not separated “Columbia” from “Challenger” (I had Continue Reading