Discouraging Experiences/Perceptions Lately

Sometimes I feel that this “call”  I sense that “sends me” to the online community is wishful thinking, and is not a viable vocation for the next several years.  The feeling is understandable as I remain unemployed after 10 weeks (since Nov. 21).  But I also want to gurad against letting my vision get squelched by forces which either do Continue Reading

Year-old News Shows up

I got this on my News Aggregator this morning.  Trouble is,  it’s from April 2002.  It’s difficult to know (at least for me) if the error is Moreover’s or About.com’s.   Somehow ,  it got today’s date on it. Griffey Injured Again. About.com Pro Baseball Feb 2 2003 6:30AM ET [Moreover – Sports: baseball news]