Good Thing For Blogging

Dave Winer on the Deal: It’s probably a good thing for blogging, and probably also a good thing for Blogger’s competitors because it’s likely to suck in other Google-like companies. It’s great that Google decided to buy rather than make. I wouldn’t be surprised if the other popular blogging tools had similar deals cooking. So the idea of being able Continue Reading

Dan Gillmor’s eJournal – Google Buys Pyra: Blogging Goes Big-Time

Gillmor’s eJournal celebrates the purchase of Pyra ( by Google : The buyout is a huge boost to an enormously diverse genre of online publishing that has begun to change the equations of online news and information. Weblogs are frequently updated, with items appearing in reverse chronological order (the most recent postings appear first). Typically they include links to other pages Continue Reading

Google Pyra-Mania

Google has bought Pyra (  This article from Executive Summary Consulting Regardless of how Google chooses to develop the service itself, a major player in the online media space has made a serious bet that blogs are going to be something worthwhile for the long term. And that in itself is what’s most important in this news. Blogs have Continue Reading