How is (and should) the Church Responding to the Granddaddy of Disasters?

I love how responsive the UMC is to disaster. It is an obvious REQUIREMENT to do so; to help people hit by disaster. What I am going to say next is in NO WAY to minimize this at all. We must continue to do so. But ANOTHER way to help is to help PREVENT, or if not PREVENT, to MINIMIZE the damage WHEREVER we can and as SOON AS WE CAN. With Climate Change, we have known for at LEAST 30 years (and some others , with means to stay in close communication to the best of our scientific research, have known for longer than that) that we are in for massive climate change the longer we continue to pour EXCESS carbon into the atmosphere). Now that the scientists and some who understand what is at stake (thanks to these scientists) are speaking up louder and louder, the churches no longer have ANY EXCUSE other than accommodation and enculturalization to an ideology that dooms us to massive tragedy and crisis and economic collapse. We know the dangers of capitulating to an Empire (or we SHOULD know; it’s all over Scripture), but yet this Fossil Fuel Dominated Infrastructure of the global economy is proving to be the most destructive empire in human history. We MUST ACT , and NOW, not later, to work against and reverse what we have built out of our initial joy that we could power so much and so drastically and “efficiently” (which was an immense efficiency, that is, until we started realizing that there were MASSIVE COSTS to what we were doing as the engines of efficiency ROLLED ONWARD and “UPWARD”).  IN many ways, this is a job of the church. To incarnate another way.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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