Have I mentioned that I am LOVING @ThisChanges Everything?

In the past couple of days?  If not,  I am LOVING it,  and am into Part 3,  and it continues to blow my mind.  Not that I am SURPRISED by what I am reading,  just continually offended by the sheer hubris and downright narcissism of the global elites who enrich themselves off the decadence they unleash on the planet.  And then they plow additional money back into the vast communication channels that disseminate misinformation aimed at covering their tracks and making it easier to push through their continued and escalated assaults.

Click to order from amazon or read about itClick to order from amazon or read about it

This book is impacting me more so than her previous one, The Shock Doctrine. As energizing and revealing as that was for my perspective on the shenanigans of Empire, and in particular, the one called the United States, this book is raising the question in my mind as to whether the global climate crisis may have “chickens come to roost” even sooner than the economic inequality injustices, at least where it affects quality of life. Where income inequality is certainly affecting and continuing to affect our lives now, and that left unchecked or allowed to grow, will result in increased upheavals and crashes, the global climate crisis is threatening to unleash even more existential upheaval, as it threatens the healthy operation of the ecosystem itself. I think it is not a coincidence that ecosystem and ecoNOMIC system are, linguistically, close relatives. Both suggest complex , interrelated systems that depend on many parts operating on a co-dependency that keeps the many parts well-lubricated. And the ECONMICS are also a key player in the ECOSYSTEM, as This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs The Climate points out with appropriate levels of urgency.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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