“Creation justice is not bereft of antecedents” Larry Rasmussen #PeoplesClimate #EcoTheology

Creation justice is not bereft of antecedents. Indigenous peoples across the globe have tried their best since the onset of colonization, conquest, and the Industrial Revolution to say that the community of life’s own integral functioning was being violated by foreign notions of justice and human organization that did not recognize that peoples and their lands were inextricably linked together. Mother Earth and Father Sky were under assault by forces alien to their ways, but in the end Mother Earth and Father Sky would prevail. They would “bat last,” so to speak. Yet had the creation justice of these communities been acknowledged, and had their own Earth-honoring faiths been given their due, damage of apocalyptic proportion to both peoples and their lands might have been avoided.
-Rasmussen, Larry L. (2012-10-02). Earth-honoring Faith: Religious Ethics in a New Key (p. 156). Oxford University Press. Kindle Edition.

The indigenous populations worldwide tend to know what we have lost due to blindness visited upon us by our economic paradigm.  The utilitarian, extractive habits of “civilized” people who reason that these poor ignorant and under-developed folks aren’t using so we might as well show them (and either enslave them physically or economically, employing them to help us to do so, thus creating a dependence upon us for their livelihood which helps us destroy theirs.)

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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