My comment on the lack of Church News coverage of the Climate Crisis

Just posted this to a UMNS article (here,  and the comment link is here  ) on Facebook:

Since I was unable to find a single post over the past 3 months here that even remotely dealt with Climate Change, I might as well post here since it (the post under which I placed this comment was about the possible effects of the SCOTUS decision re: Gay Marriage on the UMC)  This seems to be the biggest issue ( I do so merely to interject and not to suggest that this is not an important topic – it is hugely important, nor to suggest I don’t applaud the ruling – which I do), but to find some way to ask where this topic might be taken up, particularly since it’s currency as a “Church” story of big significance had been put squarely on the table by the release of the Pope’s Encyclical. What Pope Francis does in this document is raise and articulate the gravity of our situation and the necessity of strong and unmistakable “speaking up” on the part of the church that is appropriate to the moral issue it represents ( and that moral issue is immense and far reaching to an extent of which has never really been faced before in human history ). That’s really my only point here. How will the UMC as one church entity along with others including the Catholic Church, talk about and converse and act on this issue?

Think this might stir something up? I seek a “stirring” that rightly blends our sense of the situation with our sense of the ecological message in Scripture, informed by present day scientific findings.

(Cross posted on my Facebook Group Page “EcoEcclesia”)

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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