Contemplating the achievement of Earth Justice

A Southerner contemplates the “horror” of the end of “a way of life” that is now seen for the evil racism at worst, or else the moral denial of the evil of it in light of what it meant to “pull the rug out” from the southern economy. (The latter is not exactly “enlightened” either).…/confederate-memorial-day-racism-civil… “What Southern man, be Continue Reading

The Post

I watched the movie “The Post” last night. It gave me the idea of writing about our civilization’s lack of response to the Ecological Crisis in a similar fashion to my post yesterday about re: how our response to this crisis is very similar to the way people responded to slavery. The Washington Post faced a dilemma regarding their duty Continue Reading

The NBC series “King” started me on a journey

Come February 12 through 14, it will have been 40 years since I caught this miniseries, “King”, on NBC as a college senior. It was to be a formative experience, not so much because of it’s treatment (which was certainly very positive and inspiring at times) , but because of how it launched me on a years long quest to Continue Reading

The Democrat’s Bank Problem

Of course, this simply exonerates Trump in the eyes of his supporters, since DEFLECTION is their number one argument on everything. The reality is, Obama was never one to hold the banks accountable. He was firmly in the tradition of the “new Democrat”, garnering alliances with the powers that be while pushing a narrative of being firmly on the side Continue Reading

Eco-Occupy Theology

I was thinking yesterday about my journey over the past 7 years. IN 2011, I started using to point to my blog, which, that point, was using the one domain, that I had been using since starting the blog in 2002. Now, as most of you know, it is primarily Theoblogical and occupytheology still get you there, Continue Reading

Book of Eli, in wide use today

Today’s Christian Right is dominated by those whose Bible is essentially “The Book of Eli”. The movie expands on the concept (although it does cheapen the story a bit by making Eli into a superhero sharpshooter with “spidey senses”). Anyway, the story is about how , in a post-apocalyptic feudal world, one despot feud-lord seeks out the Bible as a Continue Reading

It’s not just trolling; it’s disobedience unto death

Something has been eating at me psychologically this past 24 hours. Upon yet another exposure to some nasty trolling behavior by a “Christian” Fundamentalist on the page of a good friend and fellow earth keeper, Terry Tremwel, I have been struck with the danger in this kind of “Christianity”. It is far worse than other kinds of political or even Continue Reading

If This Is Not a Place

I’m way ahead of things here, but I find myself thinking about how the Church needs , and BADLY, (meaning URGENTLY) to begin re-orienting itself to address the Climate Crisis. And within that, there is the issue of BEING THAT PLACE where the growing numbers of people who are ecologically aware* can come and be in community.  Because if this Continue Reading

It’s not really a protest UNLESS it’s done DURING the anthem.

I am NOT ceding their point that disrespect is being shown by kneeling, NOR in kneeling DURING THE ANTHEM. It is very much THE POINT that the protest happen DURING the anthem. It is very much THE POINT that this is to make public that there is something VERY WRONG with “Observance” of the Flag and Anthem in America when Continue Reading