What’s this “not-yet-come-into-focus serendipitous convergence feeling”?

I’m having one of those feelings/experiences of being on the cusp of some not-yet-come-into-focus serendipitous convergences, sitting here in my air-conditioned office at home, with technology (Internet at 300 mbps, Tricaster based studio, 4k camera, a couple of older regular old HD consumer cameras) and books (Bible, theology books), and seemingly waiting for a word: Something to “lure” me through Continue Reading

Contemplating the achievement of Earth Justice

A Southerner contemplates the “horror” of the end of “a way of life” that is now seen for the evil racism at worst, or else the moral denial of the evil of it in light of what it meant to “pull the rug out” from the southern economy. (The latter is not exactly “enlightened” either). https://www.vox.com/…/confederate-memorial-day-racism-civil… “What Southern man, be Continue Reading

The Post

I watched the movie “The Post” last night. It gave me the idea of writing about our civilization’s lack of response to the Ecological Crisis in a similar fashion to my post yesterday about re: how our response to this crisis is very similar to the way people responded to slavery. The Washington Post faced a dilemma regarding their duty Continue Reading

Eco-Occupy Theology

I was thinking yesterday about my journey over the past 7 years. IN 2011, I started using occupytheology.org to point to my blog, which, that point, was using the one domain, theoblogical.org that I had been using since starting the blog in 2002. Now, as most of you know, it is primarily ecoecclesia.org. Theoblogical and occupytheology still get you there, Continue Reading

EcoCrisis Denial: An article of “faith” for the right wing tribe

“Right-to-life” just might get more people helping to fight abortion and the conditions which make it increase, if they showed ANY concern about those conditions. And also, if they showed ANY interest in ALL of the other LIFE that is being extinguished and threatened every day by , things like, ya know, Climate Change (which is like an anathema to Continue Reading

on “mix-ing” personal political feelings with the mission of the church?

I left this comment on Facebook in reply to one I saw here: Commenter: “why do people mix their personal political feelings with the mission of the church?” Me: Because “my personal feelings” tend to gravitate toward “The Kingdom of God” that is good news for all, ESPECIALLY the oppressed. The Trump administration is playing the role of Anti-Christ, and Continue Reading