more from #MLK and the #OWS via @tikkunonline by @bescofield

<A HREF=””> Widgets</A> Be Schofield’s article I blogged about earlier includes this assesment of MLK’s “final campaign” (the Poor People’s March)  : King had developed several goals in his final campaign, which may or may not inspire the OWS movement. He had hoped the Poor People’s Campaign would achieve direct employment through a massive public works program, a guaranteed annual Continue Reading

A People’s History Documentary Coming

I was really glad to see this.  I happened to be googling for an audio clip from Good Will Hunting of Will’s character (Matt Damon) telling the therapist Sean (Robin Williams) that Zinn’s book will “f*****g knock you on your ass” ,  and I saw that NPR had run this report just this past week: ‘People’s History’ Film Project Draws Continue Reading