No News for you says Murdoch to Google @davewiner #smchurch #wiredchurch

This is pretty much where I come out on the Murdoch thing (of course,  I’ve been reading DW for about 7 years,  and so his thinking has probably a lot to do with how I think about the net,  and content.  People say silly things like Google would be nothing without the NY Times, but it wasn’t until relatively recently Continue Reading

Sobering: Tim Russert’s Death

On the way hone from work yesterday, I heard them start out on a news story, about a “prominent news person” having died. When they said Tim Russert, I was blown away. 58. A son just graduated from college. Such an encouraging , positive guy. Keith Olbermann spoke mostly with a wobbly voice, and when reading some of the tributes Continue Reading

Am I Missing Something?

What is all the obsession with this “missing pregnant woman” story (apparently now her body has been found).  It is no doubt that this is a tragedy,  but why is the national news “hovering” over this story?  I am not interested in it beyond the initial report,  and perhaps the “finding of the body”.  But what is this with the Continue Reading

Comment Spammers

I am hopping mad. Some scumbag has been spamming my comments all morning long. I have about 5 IP addresses captured by Movable Type, and I browsed to http://thatIPaddress for each of them , and each of them had websites. But, of course, these IPs could be forged, so I have no idea if any of them were actually the Continue Reading

Bush Blogging

My brother told me about the Blogs for Bush Blog getting press in USA Today the other day, and my immediate (with admittedly no evidence as of yesterday) response was that it was done not as a Bush campaign strategy but by other bloggers who happen to support Bush. My point is that the Bush campaign itself, while no dount Continue Reading