Am I Missing Something?

What is all the obsession with this “missing pregnant woman” story (apparently now her body has been found).  It is no doubt that this is a tragedy,  but why is the national news “hovering” over this story?  I am not interested in it beyond the initial report,  and perhaps the “finding of the body”.  But what is this with the “breaking news” of EVERY possible detail?  This seems extremely voyeuristic.  It’s all over CNN, MSNBC, Fox.  Why is this seen as warranting such coverage?  Does this sort of thing not happen in this country all over and all the time?  If there is some distinguishing mark to this case,  then point it out on the initial report and move on. Why is the country supposed to be interested in every minute detail of this case?  What has “News” become? 

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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